Replacing self improvement with self care as a way to get things done
Just a quick reminder that procrastination is self-reinforcing. Your brain is designed to make you feel good when you avoid an challenging task.
You can change this by leaning into accountability and mindfulnesss(try setting a timer for 25 or 50 minutes and using that time to begin or complete the dreaded task. Really helpful if you can text a friend who is also doing this.)
Once the task is complete or in the process of completion you might not feel better right away (eg, if you are sending an email you’ve been afraid to send you might worry about the response after you send it) - this is where self compassion practice can help.
After you hit send or clean out one drawer take a moment to tell yourself “good job, it will be ok, you are doing your best, even if they take it the wrong way or it takes twice as long it’ll be ok”, etc. ( these words will often arise naturally if you practice loving kindness meditation in a regular basis by the way)
With practice you’ll reverse the way it usually works as you ( and your brain) learn to enjoy the process of self reassurance as you move through your challenges.
I am of course writing this for a friend. Ha ha
Have a productively peaceful day and
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