Loving Kindness Meditation: Being Your Own Best Friend

“Just wish yourself the best. Say I hope you have the best day ever to yourself. Be your own best friend.” – Vimala Bhikkhuni, Blue Lotus Temple & Meditation Center

I can also wish myself to be happy, well and peaceful and send that intention to others as well.

May I be happy. May I be well. May I be peaceful. I would not even think of saying this to myself as I stand in line in a crowded retail store, unless I’ve practiced Loving kindness meditation. Loving Kindness mediation is also known as “metta”.

This is what it means to love kindness. I put kindness to myself and others first. It is the first thing I turn to when I feel anxious or under threat or angry. May I be well. May I be Happy. May I be peaceful. May you be well, May you be happy. May you be peaceful.

It is so simple that it seems unimportant, but these practices actually fracture the trap of self-degradation and cause tectonic shifts in the way that we experience life.

As sugared-up kids knock on our doors this Halloween, reminding us about the frenzy soon to come, try to remember to wish yourself well on a regular basis, learn to use your breath as solace, and allow yourself to know and love yourself completely.

Thank you so much for reading my post. I hope that you have the best day ever.



Meditation Benefits: Access To Your Wisest Self ( The God Within)


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