I completely forgot about this: Spontaneous Trait Transference. Yikes.


Why not gossip? Hint: Your brain knows it's ALWAYS ALL about YOU
My favorite reason not to gossip or complain is this:
Spontaneous Trait Transference.
That's a neurochemical process that causes the listener of the gossip or the complaint to automatically and unconsciously transfer the nasty traits to the speaker of the gossip.
So, if you say so and so is a jerk, guess what?
The person listening automatically assumes on a deep neurological level, that YOU are the jerk. ( and of course, this impacts you in the same way-if you say the weather sucks, your brain hears that YOU suck, etc.)
Spontaneous Trait Transference is not avoidable since it is not a conscious process.
Stop, look and listen before you read, watch or hear.
Who was I about to complain about? oh, that's right-ME.

I love you all so so much!
Thanks for reading


Grace, Humility and Survivorship - Lessons from Victims
