To Be More Productive, Choose Easy Once In A While
My mind tends to take a small issue or even a big challenge and turn it into certain, future catastrophe; it seems like the less I can actually do about the problem, the more the urge to solve it RIGHT NOW overtakes me.
I want to know how people stay productive and happy with unresolved challenges ( after they have done everything they can do about it, and the problem is still not solved or maybe it will never be "solved.")
If you can't change something that you can't stand, how do you prevent yourself from spending all of your time on that problem while your life falls down around you? I think about people with an illness that no one can diagnose, or a child who has been lost to kidnappers or addiction.
How do they stay productive or even functional?
If you want to learn about stuff like this, websites for people who are managing chronic pain and illness are very helpful.
I posted one of my favorite hints last year and here it is again. A nice reminder to plan ahead for tough times with practices that can be used when will power has left the building.
Make a list of tasks and group them in the following manner:
Keep this list handy with the easy tasks highlighted, and on the days when your pain is elevated ( or your obsession is at a emergency level) take on the easy tasks and leave the rest for another day.
Tell yourself, "I can't do this hard task well today, so I will do this easier task," (rather than "I can't do this so my life is going to fall apart and I better do this sooner rather than later and oh no here comes a catastrophe I can feel it coming so I better do something to numb that feeling so I can do this hard thing and then I still can't do it and I feel even worse and start up the numbing cycle again. Whew!)
Thank you for reading my post and let's all take it easy on ourselves for a minute ( or three?) soon.
I love you