Meditation Benefits: Staying Calm In Chaos

Mindfulness Meditation matters most during busy times.

If you feel anxiety approaching with the holidays, consider healing your mind. Most of us have heard about the idea that we should stop and meditate more during stressful times. This is confusing, because under stress, it seems like we should DO something. Through personal experience though, I’ve learned to follow that strange advice and double my meditation during my busiest times.

When I meditate for an hour, I get frustrated, bored, impatient, scared and convinced that I need to get up and do something already.

The practice of letting these feelings pass while I sit still and soothe myself with my breath, is invaluable. I’ve practiced letting the boredom of a long line, the frustration of a drunk guest and the irritation about consumer pressures at Christmas time, pass. I’ve sat through the feeling that I better do something about this right now, and breathed my urgency away.

From sitting for longer periods, I grow familiar with the temporary nature of feelings, sensations and thoughts. I stay calm in chaos.


Mindless Influence


Meditation Benefits: Access To Your Wisest Self ( The God Within)