
If you neglect your habit of planning (and your planner) long enough, it’s like a whole new year when you re-start! Who knew?? 

This is a quiet shout-out to anyone who has been carrying their planner around, un-used on the bottom of their backpack,like me (or not tapped the icon on their phone for “awhile)” - don’t give up! You’re not alone. More than 80% of us give up on our goals about two weeks into the new year. If you made it farther than that congratulate yourself and restart. If you didn’t, you’re in great company. (If you made no plans, maybe consider a tiny dream or two??, (one minute of meditation a day is a good example of a life-changing Tiny dream)

Today, there’s still 5 months - 159 days to be exact if you count today. That’s plenty of time to incorporate a new habit, dust off a neglected manuscript(or 3- ha ha), re-connect with a “lost” friend, relative, or inner child, perfect a 5 minute plank, develop competence on the piano, guitar, or another musical instrument, restart a book club ( or just a book reading habit!), increase your income, relax more, spend more time with your family, forgive yourself and someone else for something unforgivable, or... as you can see, the point is that there’s plenty of time. So, let’s go!! 

I’m assuming the Wonder Woman stance on all of our behalf right now. We. Can. Do. This! First, coffee. 

Happy Saturday. 

I love you and your dreams. 



Wild Flowers

